Monday, October 20, 2008

Greater Things At CBG

Ok so i haven't posted anything in awhile mainly because i been busy with school and work..well this week i have fall break so i have some relaxation time..

Anyways right now i feel really blessed and am ecstatic about the greater things happeing at Church by the Glades. This past month has been so awsome at the church. We been talking about whats to come in the history of our church. We the church are gonna build a 2000 seat auditorium with more parking. We are currently on 17 acreas which God blessed us with many years ago i think in 1992. In 2000 we started the Building campaign for our current building, by 2004 we were inside our new Building and location. The new sanctuary will cost anywhere from 15-17million. Just this past weekend Pastor David Hughes announced the church has pledged over 10.7 million dollars. Thats somthing to celebrate. This past series of Greater things at CBG has been my all time favorites. It has been so effective and God-driven. Its so awsome to see God's hand at work in our church and in our city and surrounding areas.

I'm posting this video below to show some of what has been happening at CBG.

Greater Things > Recap 2008 from Church by the Glades on Vimeo.

How awsome and exciting is that video. I get chills everytime i see for i know that this is in God's will and i'm gonna be apart of something huge. Im not just talking about the building but that im getting the opportunity with this people campaign to reach the lost and further the kingdom of God . How awsome. anyways tell me what you think about this Greater things campaign and How God is using you in this.

Also if your not familiar with Church by the Glades heres a link.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hey yall who will read this. Im new to this blog site but not new at all to blogging. I have most all my blogs on myspace and on facebook(they call them notes) w/e same thing. Blogging is fun and can be a very useful tool. Especially for the kingdom of God and reaching out to the lost or stregthening Our brothers and sisters in christ.

Anyways i was just reading "A basic christian theology" for my Christian Doctrine class, and i realized how confusing Doctrine and theology can be. Honestly i read like 20 pages and barely have a concept down fo what they have discussed so far in the book. The introduction was pretty confusing and basically what i got out of it was that As humans we can't put God in a box with our ideologies. I also took away that you can study theology for a lifetime and never quite know how God really is and when we start to think we know how God is were just trying to fit him into our box and our ideas. Honestly i thought it was pretty interesting how they started off the book, but hey its true our ideology shouldnt become theology. Theology is God's business in which he reveals something about himself to us. Or should i replace that definition with Revelation.

You see Revelation doesnt just mean the last book of the bible or the end times as many of us may have learned. Revelation is deeper then that. Theology and Revelation go hand and hand. No they're not the same, but through Revelations we can see the making of Theology. To better illustrate God reveals himself through revelations to people. He also reveals his power, his plan, his order, and ultimately his love. Think about it why did God give The REVELATION to John. He did this to demonstrate his power, his grace, his love, his justice, his plan, his character, his kingdom. He is revealing so much to us through this one revelation to john. So why did he do this? Simply so we may know him. He revealed this revelation for the same reason that He revealed himself to the Adam and Eve, Abram, Jacob, Israel,etc.. Out of these few examples we see how God has revealed himself to man. From this we get theology.

Theology you see is tricky. It even has a scary ring to it i think. When i was younger and heard theology my first though would have been you have to be smart to understand it. I honestly didnt have a good concept of theology until this past year when i took World religions at BCC. The professor said simply theology is the "Study of The". Now you might of laughed but he was pretty accurate on that statement. Break the word Theology down. "the" ultimately was used in the old world to mean God. "ology" means the study of something. So when you put it together theology means The study of God. Now that you have a better concept of theolgy you can see that no matter how much you study God, you wont quite understand him fully or at all for that matter. God is not meant to be understood i believe. Once you think you understood your God you just made him smaller and able to fit nice and snug in your mind. Who wants a God that you can fully understand and fit in your mind. I sure dont. If i did wnat a god like that i would choose my Dog Rosie. I understand my Dog. shes 16 years old, shes sleeps 80% of the day, eats occasionally, goes outside 4 times a day. Shes simple. God is not, hes not meant to be understood.

So to recap Theology is the study of God. You get theology from God revealing himself to man through revelations. So yeah thats pretty much what i learned so far from reading 20 pages in my christian doctrine book. Anyways hope yall tune in again to read more. I love blogging about what i've learned or what i just read. Read some of my other blogs on myspace or facebook. Look forward to writing more at a later time. Bye