Friday, January 9, 2009


Hey everyone who reads this.. This blog isnt for everyone and isnt meant to be understood by everyone.Just to warn the very few people who read this.

Ok so its 2009 and every year we humans make New Years resolution, things we would like to accomplish this year or things we would like to change. For me my number one goal is Confrontation.. Now you might be saying to yourselves why would you want to make that your goal, do you enjoy starting drama...No!!! Actually i hate drama with a passion and i try to stay away from it completely. That is why confrontation is my goal this year.

Over this past year and even most my life i have let things go by me and never said a word about it. I hate confronting people about there problems, or short comings. I'm not afraid to do it but in the past i rather just go with the flow and not make a big deal out of things. I have come to realize though this past year that is a huge problem of mine. By me being comfortable and staying in that comfort bubble i have let friends go down the wrong path, i have let friends hurt other friends, i have even let my own family hurt eachother. Now you should see to an extent why im making confrontation a priority this year.

I think confrontation is needed in life. It stregthens us and others. One thing you have to keep in mind though is how we do it. The way i plan to go about confrontation is much like a double-edged sword. One side will come of judgemental but its just to point out what the problem is the other side is of coarse love. Love is the most important thing to remember in confortation. Anyone can point out problems but only love can help solve those problems.

I'm not here to start drama with my friends and even family. I'm trying to better myself through helping out others. Confrontation is a means of the media that has been chosen, simply because its a weakness of mine and the old way just isnt working. God will fill in where my weakness is and make it my strength.

I'm studying to be a minister and confrontation through love is going to be a huge part of my ministry. I have prayed about this and have asked others to pray for me in this. In the next couple weeks things might get a little stirred up but just know its purely out of love. This wouldn't be on my conscience unless it meant a great deal to me. The people that i need to confront mean a great deal to me. With that said if you are one of the people i have confronted or may confront just know i love you and i am only trying to do the right thing and bring you up where u fell.

Together we will all rise above where we fell and Christ will be the answer to all of it. This last year and couple of years have been lukewarm in terms of holding people accountable in what they need to be accounted for. i write this blog not to scare you or others but that it has been laid on my conscience and needs major attention before more hurt and pain occurs.

I'm not ok with friends hurting eachother, im not ok with friends walking down the wrong path to incur major pain and heart ache, im not ok with family takin sides and takin advantage of others, im not ok with family holding grudges against eachother for stuff that happened many years ago. God is in control and he will bring good out of anything bad if given the chance. I can't just sit back and let things roll by me like i been doing. I apoligize if you get cut by the sword. just know ur wounds heal stronger then before. Satan will get a foothood wherever you let him and im here to block that from happening.

I want to hold people accountable for what they have done and what they struggle with as much as i want to be accountable too. As friends we should want whats best for our friends and we should be helpin them achieve that, not letting them destroy their life and destroy friendships and destroy responsibilities. I dont judge anyone only myself in this. I just want whats best for my friends and family and confrontation is the answer to that boggling question.

For some of you right now, you have no idea what im talkin about and thats ok. it probable doesnt concern you. For others your probable questioning if i have something i need to confort you about. If you are one of the people or become one of the people i may need to confront just know its on God's timing. Ultimately only God is able to judge and i am not trying to take that job away from him but me as your christian brother can and will hold others accountable for their actions and confront in love to better our lives. Make God, the lord Jesus Christ, your strength and let him transform you daily.

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